Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Test Bremco TV post

This is a test post for BREMCO TV.

Legislative Update

To help begin building relationships with newly elected officials that resulted from the recent election, REAP checks were delivered during recent meetings with two officials in the Blue Ridge Electric service area: Senator-elect Dan Soucek and Representative-elect Jonathan Jordan. REAP (Rural Electric Action Program) is the North Carolina electric cooperative’s political action committee that helps us support the friends of rural communities and cooperatives in the General Assembly.

Please Note:

If someone contacts you wishing to lodge a complaint against a statewide government agency, Blue Ridge or any other electric cooperative in North Carolina, please direct them to the North Carolina Rural Electrification Authority, contact: Scott Poole. You will find a quick link on the left side bar of this page as well as above.

Attention Mobile Website Users:

Blue Ridge Electric has a "mobile" version of our website that can be accessed from any 'smart phone.' This is not an APP. You simply type bremco.mobi into your mobile browser and you will see a simplified version of BlueRidgeEMC.com. This abbreviated version includes the information most accessed by visitors to our full website and will allow for quicker downloads/page viewing.

Note: Because smart phones have multiple coding platforms, our outage map may not be viewable from some phones (ex. Blackberry.) We are working with SienaTech to correct this coding issue but do not expect it to change until sometime in 2011.

Don't Cover It Up!

North Carolina has adopted a law which allows fines up to $250 for any part of your N.C. tag being covered through tag holders, etc. This law includes personal as well as corporate vehicles. If you have questions contact

Glenn Grubb

, procurement specialist


at ext. 3234.

Courier Schedule

The courier service will run on Wednesday, March, 23. It will run next week on Monday, March 28 and again on Thursday, March, 31, so we can pick-up our rubber sleeves and gloves for testing. If you have any questions or concerns contact Glenn Grubb at ext. 3234.